
2.5-oz. Ultimate Overwintering Fabric


2.5-oz. Ultimate Overwintering Fabric

Gemplers Item # 215083-6X250
Mfr #

Ships directly from manufacturer.

Item ships standard freight by a semi truck due to size and weight. Charges will be determined when order is placed.


Protect your perennials and other ornamental plants with freeze protection of 10°F or greater than the outside temperature

When cold weather threatens, protect your plants with this DeWitt 2.5-oz. Ultimate Overwintering Fabric.

  • Allows Moisture to Pass: This fabric is designed to hold in heat yet allow irrigation and rain to pass through
  • No Foliage Burn: Does not cause foliage burn, even on sunny days
  • Light Transmission: Approximate 25% light transmission

NOTE: Protection is variable based on humidity, altitude, etc.

2.5-oz. Ultimate Overwintering Fabric

2.5-oz. Ultimate Overwintering Fabric

6' / 250'