Olson Products

Apple Maggot Fly Traps

Olson Products

Apple Maggot Fly Traps

Gemplers Item # R16102
Mfr # RCSPE100


Maggot flies are a devastating pest for commercial and home apple and cherry growers in most areas where these fruits are grown. Place these disposable red sphere traps before petal fall for apple and cherry trees. Lasts for one season or until completely covered with insects after applying sticky coating. One trap per 3-4 acres (5 minimum per block) provides reliable detection. Reduce fly numbers and maggot damage by using 1-6 traps per tree for apples and cherries. Box of 100. Sphere only. Wire trap hanger (Item # R16300) sold separately.

NOTE: Insect traps and lures provide an early warning system to detect adult insect emergence. They are not intended to reduce the insect population.

Olson Disposable Red Sphere Traps

Apple Maggot Fly Traps