Grandpa Gus

Grandpa Gus’s Mouse Repellent Pouches

Grandpa Gus

Grandpa Gus’s Mouse Repellent Pouches

Gemplers Item # 230923
Mfr # GPR-4-15


Mouse Repellent Pouches use a fresh scent to instantly repel mice

Mouse Repellent Pouches work 180 days—twice as long as other brands. Each pouch covers 500 sq. ft. (one room). Pkg. of 4 pouches.

  • Fresh Scent: Natural ingredients instantly repel mice
  • Absorbent: Absorbs leftover mouse smell
  • Versatile: Perfect for use in your shop, stored vehicles and vacation homes

Grandpa Gus’s Mouse Repellent Pouches

Grandpa Gus’s Mouse Repellent Pouches