
Hi-Run Riding Mower Tire Wheel Assemblies


Hi-Run Riding Mower Tire Wheel Assemblies

Gemplers Item # 234649
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Assemblies design for riding mowers, minimizing damage to lawns while ensuring optimum traction.

Sutong's Hi-Run wheel assemblies not only replace, but enhance the performance of your equipment. Built for riding mowers, these assemblies feature a wide shoulder to help limit lawn damage. Added traction comes from the tight "block" tread design. When it comes to lawns, Sutong gives you peace of mind and performance.

  • Wide Shoulder: Assemblies designed for minimal damage to lawns
  • Block tread: Tight grouping give excellent performance

No returns are allowed on Hi-Run products

15x6.00-6 Hi-Run Riding Mower Tire Wheel Assemblies

Hi-Run Riding Mower Tire Wheel Assemblies

15x6.00-6 / 6x4.5