Summit Chemical

Mosquito Bits®

Summit Chemical

Mosquito Bits®

Gemplers Item # G77201
Mfr #

Not for sale in Armed Forces Americas, Armed Forces Europe, Armed Forces Pacific


Destroy mosquito larvae with the same tools used by the professionals. Mosquito Bits, once wet, kill the immature, aquatic stage of the mosquito. Sprinkle into standing water in an old tire, pond, rain barrel, tree hole and any other place where mosquitoes breed.

  • Safe: Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) is lethal to mosquito larvae, but harmless to fish, humans and other animals
  • Fast: Kills within 24 hours
  • Effective: 4 oz. of Bits treats up to 100 sq. ft. of water surface, regardless of depth

Mosquito Bits®

Mosquito Bits®

30-oz Jug