MGK Company

Nyguard 140ml IGR- Insect Growth Regulator

MGK Company

Nyguard 140ml IGR- Insect Growth Regulator

Gemplers Item # 236115
Mfr # 061004


Disrupts the life cycle of insects to eliminate future infestations

Formulated to control some of the most prolific and fastest reproducing invasive pests, this concentrated insect growth regulator gets to the root cause of infestations ... the eggs, larvae and nymphs. NyGuard IGR prevents these immature insects from maturing into adults that can reproduce. Effective against a broad spectrum of pests, including fleas, cockroaches, ants, mosquitoes, flies, lone star ticks and more.

  • Active ingredient: pyridine
  • Should be used along with an insecticide for maximum control
  • For indoor/outdoor use in food and nonfood areas
  • Long residual ... keeps working for up to 7 months
  • Pet safe when used as directed
  • EPA designated Reduced Risk Insecticide
  • Mix with water to make up to 35 gallons of solution, depending on dilution rate
  • 140 mL jug

Nyguard 140ml IGR- Insect Growth Regulator

Nyguard 140ml IGR- Insect Growth Regulator