Precision Laboratories

Signal Green Spray Pattern Indicator | 1 gal

Precision Laboratories

Signal Green Spray Pattern Indicator | 1 gal

$68.39$75.99Save 10%
Gemplers Item # 171349
Mfr # 755-01


Signal Green Colorant is a concentrated liquid that temporarily turns spray solution a blue or green color to mark where you have sprayed. Eliminates waste due to overlapping. Bright color also indicates drift. Dissipates in 2 to 72 hr. depending on sunlight. Mixes with all liquid sprays. 0.5 oz. of liquid colorant treats 1 gal. Use 1 gal. for each 300–400 gal.

  • Indicates drift
  • Mixes with all liquid sprays

Signal™ Green Spray Colorant 1 Gal. Jug

Signal Green Spray Pattern Indicator | 1 gal