Garbage Commander

Single-Can Garbage Can Hauling Hook, Ball or Bolt-On

Garbage Commander

Single-Can Garbage Can Hauling Hook, Ball or Bolt-On

Gemplers Item # 233284
Mfr # UBL-MT


Great for ATV / UTVs, golf cars, and lawn tractors

This single can garbage can hauling hauling hook makes the unpleasant task of taking out your trash cans safe, easy, and quick. Designed to tow today’s larger 64 and 96 gallon wheeled containers with ease. The Garbage Can Hauling Hook is ideal for when the vehicle is too low and it needs to be raised up higher than the ball height. This great two-in-one can either be a ball mounted or bolt mounted hook. The cans handle rests into the patented mountain hook channel, pined into place using a quick removable PTO clip to prevent the cans from tipping out during transportation. The ball mounted is ideal if you leave your trailer ball in the receiver hitch- just unfasten the PTO clip when you're done and clip it back on when you need it.

  • Install and remove in seconds to easily change from vehicle to vehicle, lightweight at only 4 lbs.
  • With the Can Coupler (#233285), you can add multiple cans creating a train.
  • 1/8" thick, laser-cut steel1/8" thick, laser-cut steel, matte black powder-coat finish
  • Raises operating height by 8" and extends it out an additional 8" beyond attaching point of towing vehicle
  • Operating weight on hook is 75 lbs.

Your towing height will be determined by the height of your trailer ball hitch. Normal working height is from 14” to 21”, allowing approximately 30% of the cans weight to be resting to the support arm. Single can units have a 12" support arm length, and hooks that lock the cans handle in place, adjustable from 9" to 10" inside widths.

Single-Can Garbage Can Hauling Hook for Lawn Tractor or ATV

Single-Can Garbage Can Hauling Hook, Ball or Bolt-On